Let's Modo
Published: February 1, 2023
Protect That Brilliant Brain
A Helpful Guide for Fitting Your Helmet to Ensure You’re 100% Protected
We get it: a bike helmet isn’t everyone’s favorite bike accessory. It can clash with your outfit and give you some of the world’s most legit helmet head. And, as any parent knows, getting your child to put on a helmet requires that you pinkie-swear there’s ice cream at the end of every ride.
While California Law and most states across the U.S. require helmets for anyone under the age of 18, we believe that, if you’re on any wheels (be it a tricycle, roller skates, a scooter, a unicycle, a bicycle, or a skateboard), you should absolutely wear a helmet to protect that brilliant brain of yours, no matter your age.
And believe it or not, simply wearing a helmet doesn’t guarantee that you’re safe to hit the streets either. It’s equally important to make sure your helmet is fitted properly, and, you know, doesn’t slide off your head midway through a ride.
Here’s where the TW0-FINGER CHECK comes in handy.
Place your helmet on top of your head, then shake your head left to right and up and down. If your helmet falls off easily, then it’s either too big or too small. If your helmet has a retention or fit system with a thumb wheel (also called a ratchet) adjuster in the back, try rolling the wheel to make the plastic web tighter or looser.

Share Some Love – Give a Peace Sign
Next, hold your fingers in a peace sign and wave them around in the air like you just DO care. Then, hold them up to your ears in the shape of a “V” to make sure you have space between the straps. You’re looking good. Now, place your two fingers between your chin and the strap – you should be able to fit both fingers under your chin. Make sure it’s not too snug or too loose. Then, hold those same fingers up to your forehead. Your helmet shouldn’t be higher than those two fingers stacked above your eyebrows. If it is, your forehead is too exposed.
Congratulations! You just mastered the TWO FINGER CHECK, and now your noggin (or the noggin of someone you love) is safely protected.
While there are many ways to roll safe, accidents can happen, and protecting your head with a well-fitted helmet could save your life. We see people of all ages rolling down busy streets without helmets. Help us promote safety in our communities and make wearing a fitted helmet the norm!
If you need a helmet, we offer FREE helmets and lights at our virtual and in-person bike safety 101 workshops.